Thursday, May 26, 2016

Frankie Manning

It's Frankie Manning's 102nd birthday and Today I'm going to talk about Frankie. Frankie was born in Jacksonville FL 1914 and he died in New York 2009 of old age. When he was a child he was the first child to venture though the Savory Ballroom. He was really into jazz and music which made him made him dance as a child. On the summer his mom would make him go to his father and aunt which they live on the farm. On Sunday they would play music and dance and he just did not stop dancing.

He love dancing and he still did it when he was an adult and he became one of the most famous dancer in the USA. He was famous twice for dancing an created a swing dace move where they do flips over you which looks very cool. People tried to beat him by a dance off but of course he won. I like Frankie Manning and I would call him the best dancer in the world.


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Batman V Superman vs Captain America Civil War

Everyone is fighting over which movie is the best out of the two movies named Captain America Civil War and Batman V Superman. I am going to give my best opinion about the two movies. I think Captain America Civil War is better because they have a lot of action and less talking. They also have a good story line which people like to follow the story line and see what happens next. Some good super heroes even more have short scenes  all at the same time so we don't have to wait for other  movies to see these heroes.

I think Batman V Superman is not good is because it is very boring and they all talk to much. They talk for almost two hours  and 30 minutes of action. When they are fighting they team up together fast and they cannot fight each other because they have bigger problems on there hands and when they fight batman did not do anything boring. Batman said he won't kill but he did kill people in the movie. So that was my opinions for the two movies. 

  Batman v Superman e Civil War

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Google I/O

Google is coming up with this new phone and of course it is an Android phone. They are also make a car with it that looks cool. The car has the Android symbol and they have a large screen in the middle which you can call or text from it. It really looks like a tablet not a big screen which looks like the front of the I/O screen phone. Every thing looks so cool and people can't wait until the phone comes out.

I am really am excited myself that is coming out soon so I can play with all the new stuff and of course the 2016 one is better than the other ones. The phone looks good it self and also they are the size of the Iphone 6 which is amazing to me. The phone is big and the car looks really cool everything  Android make with google can come out really good. So that everything I know for now and I can't wait until The I/O16 comes out and when I tell my friends about the new gadget  they would want it also.

Monday, May 9, 2016


Prince is a fast learner he can learn tricks fast and he knows a couple. It is amazing he can do tricks so fast just amazing. You could put a treat in front of Prince and he will do any thing for that treat but he will be jumping right next to you looking at the treat egg you to give it to him.I can tell all his trick but let me tell you this he loves playing a lot and he will run on you just to get the treat.

Filly i can tell you Prince's tricks he can roll over, jump, turn around ,wait for the treat on his paw nose on the treat,lay down, sit, crawl, and go in his cage. I will show you a video but it was before he learn that many tricks you will see but he will do most of them on the video.


Prince loves playing outside and he has all the space he needs. Me and prince runaround and see who is the fastest and Prince always wins. Then he chases me but sometimes I hide from him and he passes me. After he passes me I run in the opposite direction and he looks around then he see's me and runs after me.I jump over the bushes and Prince runs around the bush super fast and as soon as I'm done I see him running  around the corner of the bush.

Prince see's some ducks and he goes after them then he see's one swimming and he goes into the lake.He come's back to me and shakes his coat to dry himself  because he was wet and rubs his fur in the grass so he can dry off I guess the lake was too cold  and wet for him. After that we were tired and we go back inside and get some water and we both had a great time.


Prince loves us very dearly we are a family and he loves us. He can be very crazy too he loves running around the house.Sometimes he runs into everything, but he is alright when he bumps into stuff hard. He runs so fast like a horse he can catch up with you in any moment because he is super fast and he is very smart too.

Prince is a awesome puppy and he loves to play who can run to the toy first. We love to run around and tire each other out then we both get a drink of water and then we rest. When we ride in cars he doesn't like riding in cars he gets car sick after he eats or drink something.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day

I believe  my mom is the best in the whole world. She take care good of me and I know she is the best and only mom I could ever have. No one could replace her and act like her and even my friends say that she is super nice.Today is  special  and I hope she has a great Mother's Day.

She also cooks me the best food I have ever tasted in my  life and she learns from the best . I am glad she is my mom because I don't want a mom that has been treating kids wrong . She get me good things and things that I always wanted like game.if I am good to her. Everyone at her job is friends with her no wonder why they say she is nice.

I feel sorry for the ones who's mother that whip them for no reason but I'm glad I got my mom. She is very kind and that is why she has a lot of friends everywhere. She knows how to talk to people and calm them down so she don't have to yell at them. When people are mad and they yell at her she talks in a calm voice and then they calm down.

She knows how to spend her money so she keeps check so she can save her money. She helps the poor and if they ask for something she can give them a dollar. Mom love's God and she goes to church everyday when they have service and learn many things even though she knows a lot of things.

Mom I love what you done. You raised me very good and I am proud to be your son. I also wish you the best mothers day you ever had. You are the best mother I could every have In my whole life, Everyone inculcating me loves you and say you are the best. We all wish you a happy mothers day just for you mom.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Prince had bad breath when he was young and so when he is licks you it stinks. The blood from his teeth falling out is his causing bad breath. When his teeth fall out his adult teeth  grew in and he had all his adult teeth . When his teeth grows back he will not have bad breath anymore. I couldn't wait until that happens because his bad breath was driving me crazy. He had teething problems because his gums hurt and was chewing on random stuff.

When he is teething that makes his gums feel better.  He was teething on everything and won't stop until we said something . We gave him ice cubes so his gums would heal. We did the best we can to stop his teething stage but it had to happen because that was one of the stages for growth , but he stops chewing sometimes and he does obeys us. Prince just kept chewing on every thing and he just can't help it but we tried are best to stop him and we did.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

My Birthday

I had my 13th birthday party on April 29th and it was really fun. Two of my friends were at my birthday party and we played games on the PS3. We ate pizza and cake and I look at my one  present which was awesome.  My gift was a flying drone and it look super cool even my friends said it look cool. Once we were done we went back upstairs to play games for the rest of the night.

In the morning one of my friends were already awake and the other was asleep so I threw some thing at him and he woke up with a start. We took the dog out for a walk and then went upstairs to play some more games. Dad called us and said we had to wash two cars so we got all the materials and started working.While were working we had a little fun by spaying water at each other and hitting each other with sponges. Even though we were playing a lot we got the work done and it didn't take us long to finish.

We played in the living room with Prince and then ate so more pizza and wings. We played games and then we went to a party. They had games and a bouncy house  which was fun. I went in the bouncy house then my friends followed me inside and wrestled each other. When we went home I tried out my drone and it flew up in a tree and that was the end of that. Overall my birthday party was really great.

Image result for dronium one drone


my poem

some of my teachers are mean some are nice  
some really get on my nerves
most teachers don't listen what I have to say   some do listen to me                                                          
some just point me out so I get in trouble
 some  help me when I do need help
nice teachers are really helpful to me
I don't like mean teachers
mean teachers give me a hard time
thy never really want to help

Monday, May 2, 2016


I went to Tallahassee last weekend to see if a family member was ok because she was in an accident. She was surprised to see us because we did not tell her we were in town. I was glad to be back in Tallahasse because it brings so many memories from when I was little. I was also born in Tallahassee and most of my family live there too. Mom and dad drove me and it was great to see some of my family but I wish I could see everyone one that was in back home.

We did not tell anyone we were in coming and when we visited family they were so shocked that they screamed. I was so happy I could see most of my family. Mom, dad, and I went bowling but just for a little bit and mom beat us at bowling like always which was not cool because I was the one who should have won the games. On the last day we said are goodbyes and knew we would come back and went back to Tampa.