Sunday, February 7, 2016


When Prince plays outside he runs wild and does whatever he wants to do. When I run outside and Prince is far away from me while watching me then he runs after me. He is like a greyhound running after me and he gets to me very fast no matter how far away he is from me. I hear him when he is running to me and I just look back and see him getting closer. He pants when he runs and he runs very fast that no one can  out run him.

When we go back inside we get some water and relax like a small family. He also plays with his toys when he has nothing to do and sometimes he throw his toys out of his mouth the toy is in the air he catchers it. He drops heavy balls and makes sure it make a loud noise when he see's something. He also loves getting on the my nerves from he biting on  my leg all the time but I love playing with my own dog..



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