Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games was a good movie and it had a lot of action and less talking. The Hunger Games is where kids of all ages and adults fight to the death and the last one standing is the victor and never have to be in the games again. People live in districts and once a year a boy and a girl is chosen for the Hunger Games and there are 13 districts in total. A capital where people control every district and   whoever lived there had no worries about going into the games.

Katinss and Peeta were chosen from district 12. They trained together at the capital and when the tributes trained they get ready for the games. When the tributes first arrived in the game they raced to  the weapons and  there was a blood bath. Katniss searched to find water and when  she found it she ran away from everyone so she wouldn't have to kill anybody. When she found Peeta injured she helped him and they started working together to finish off the rest of the tributes. By the end of the Hunger Games, everyone except them were killed. When they forced to kill each other they chose   die together but the game makers stopped them then they both become victors.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Peanuts Movie

The Peanuts movie was a great movie and this time the movie wasn't in a drawing it was in a cartoon in 3D. The movie had a the Charlie Brown characters in the movie plus the a new character. Charlie had to find out how to win the new girl's heart and to try to be the best boy in the school without messing up and while Snoopy the dog is trying to look like a guy in school. They all still act the same like in the old movies and still do the same thing in the new movielike they still have the same personalities.

It is funny when Snoopy finds a type writer and he makes his own story when he is flying his dog house and going against the Red Baron to save a female dog. Charlie's dog Snoopy is crazy and he does all kinds of crazy things and it is very funny what he does around town on his own. Lucy loves to beat on Charlie and tells him that he is always wrong about everything and sometimes he proves Lucy wrong.

 Image result for peanuts movie

Sunday, February 21, 2016


 Last Saturday I went to the bowling ally and I saw my friends waiting in front of the  building  while mom was looking to park in the parking lot.  When I walked to my friends they said that we have to wait for an hour to go inside because a group of people was bowling and they took over the whole building. I got mad and I did not know how to kill time but I fund a way to kill some time by climbing over wall and sliding on the wall. After that we finally can start to bowl but then we had to pick up one of my friends.

We all started bowling after we got one of my friends and my mom did not bowl for years and she played like a boss and beat us at bowling. I could not believe my own mom would beat us at bowling. I was better at bowling now and I use to be bad at bowling without the bumpers and I was called the gutter king. When I started doing better I wasn't called the gutter king anymore. Laser Tag was fun just for my team because when some body shot me with they gun they didn't get and points but when I shot them I got  points that help  my team won. We all ate good food that was pizza, wings and fries and we all had a good time then we all went home and relaxed.

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Roblox is a game where people play online and play peoples own worlds that they created and when people worlds become popular when so many people are play there world they get more tickets. Tickets is where you trade them for robux that you can costumes your character and can make you look cooler. You can also get cool items when you pay with robux and use them on some world people created.

You can also build your own world and build whatever you want but some of the items you want to build with you will have to pay with robux. Roblox is a fun game and people got a lot of ideas when they make new worlds and then people have more fun playing all the worlds and that is how everyone loves plays Roblox.

Friday, February 19, 2016


Spiderman is a good super hero but when he has his black suit on he can get very angry and might go over the line when he is fighting bad guys. He got his powers by being bitten by a super spider and then he is like a spider but  in a different way but he can make a lot of enemies. He is a smart and funny hero and he finds all kinds of ways to beat his enemies even if they somehow become stronger.

When he has the black suit on which the suit is alien he turns mad because the suit can mess with his emotions and he gets angry a lot. When he is in that suit he can take his enemies down fast and he doesn't like to joke around while he is fighting and sometimes he almost kills them. So when black spiderman did want that suit out of his life because he knew it was controlling him and he had to rip and tear it off of him because the suit was sticking to him and the suit was fighting back.

Image result for spiderman 3

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Hulk is a hero that is green and very powerful hero that gets angry. When he is  a regular man he has no powers but when he gets angry he turns to hulk and can destroy anything in his path. Every superhero wants to keep an eye on the hulk to make sure he is one the hero side and does not want to make him angry or to loose control over the hulk.

But when the hulk gets really mad everyone try's their very best to stop him. Most times superheros have to fight the hulk but find ways to beat the hulk and every time they fight hulk they build more equipment that can defeat the hulk. Hulk is a really powerful guy and they make sure they have control over the hulk or they have more power to stop him from doing bad things like turning on the bad guys side.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider is a hero but he is not a ghost but he is just a bony guy. But when Johnny Blaze turn to ghost rider his motorcycle turns into a different bike and it is on fire. But when it is in that stage the bike goes faster than any bike in the whole world. Johnny Blaze turns into Ghost rider only at night because he does not have control of the transformation so when he does transform he scream and turns in circles. When you know he about to transform is when his face is red and his face is hot.

Ghost Rider also has a chain around him that is also on fire and on fire and use it for combat. His bony head is on fire also but sometimes when he see's bad guys  he force them to look in his eyes and take there soul from them. host Rider and his skills and what I know about him I bet most people will love him.

Image result for ghost rider

Sunday, February 7, 2016


When Prince plays outside he runs wild and does whatever he wants to do. When I run outside and Prince is far away from me while watching me then he runs after me. He is like a greyhound running after me and he gets to me very fast no matter how far away he is from me. I hear him when he is running to me and I just look back and see him getting closer. He pants when he runs and he runs very fast that no one can  out run him.

When we go back inside we get some water and relax like a small family. He also plays with his toys when he has nothing to do and sometimes he throw his toys out of his mouth the toy is in the air he catchers it. He drops heavy balls and makes sure it make a loud noise when he see's something. He also loves getting on the my nerves from he biting on  my leg all the time but I love playing with my own dog..



Monday, February 1, 2016


Prince is a good dog and all but he plays to much and he gets on my last nerves. Now that Prince is older and he starts to bark a lot but not to much and when he has a toy that's makes a lot of noise then  then he I really makes to go over board. I take the ball from him and throw the ball down the stairs and he'll chase it the ball making a lot of noise. When ever I want to chill out he will take the toy and put the toy on me because he wants to play with me and while chewing that toy on my my lap. Whenever I do want to play with Prince he goes pass the line and goes crazy with me and barks and throw the toy out of his mouth and it crashes somewhere.

After the ball crashes somewhere he runs to the sound and he has that same  ball again. When Prince is done taking a bath he runs around the room like a wild dog and rub his back  on the rug with the panting noise. Sometimes we take this wild dog to the dog park because most of the time he bully's us but when we get to the dog park he wants to act  shy and don't want to play  with other dogs and stick by us. I tell him to go play with the other dogs but he doesn't want to play with anybody but us. I want to see Prince play with other dogs but instead I watched him run away from other dogs and run away from them

Super Smash Bros

Super Smash Bros is a game where you fight others players to win. Its a fun game to fight and win and the point of the the games is too knock people out of the screen and they loose a life. You can choose all kind of saga and nintendo characters and learn there  skills to become better. What's cool is that your own Mii characters and help them fight from sword fighter,fist fighter,and gun fighter. You can select all kinds of things on the main menu and fight in all different ways fun ways.

There are DLC characters and battle places with is cool and costumes for your own Mii. This game is a really good game and every buys this game and so did I and I' good with my own Mii and I can show you later. With this can you don't have a story mode you can just battle and earn some coins. You can make your characters and make them stronger and make them have different skills then they are better than before. Everyone loves super smash bros and I think you can try the game too.