Sunday, March 6, 2016


Prince went to the dog park with mom and   and we had a lot of fun.I wanted to sit down and watched prince play with other dogs but he  to stayed with mom and I and play with us. Some dogs came to Prince and he ran away from them while they try to sniff him. When I  got up I so I could play with this dog I grab a stick I threw it. He ran after it and brought it back to me and this is his first time ever fetching a stick.

He saw a dog come by and chase her for fun and she was just to fast for Prince and she left and ran to play with other dogs so we raced each other.  I knew he would beat me even if he was not trying but I still tried my best to beat Prince at a race. I took Prince to get some water and he went where the other dogs were and they were playing in little pools by jumping in and out of the water. He ran some more on the field until it was time to go and then we went home and to rest.

Image result for dog park

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