Monday, June 13, 2016

Pray For Orlando

I feel very bad for what happen in Orlando and I wish people that were there could stop him in time so nobody would get killed. He just was walking around like a gard then started shooting everyone at a nightculb and nobody did not know he had a big gun. Nobody heard it at first because the music was too loud and they notice when everyone was running and screaming then that is when the music stop and people was running for there lives. When guns were firing all you smelly was gun smoke in the air. The shooter said he was doing it for ISIS and we should destroy all ISIS

He shoot and killed 50 people and they did not fight back but when the police came they killed him but it took they a very long time to kill him. He went through 3 FBI check and they said he was good and let him pass  and thats how it all started. I wish the families will fell better and stop suffering.